nATURA 2000

Conservation management in “NATURA 2000 sites of Cyprus”

The Life – Nature project aims at the implementation of immediate actions in order to secure a favorable conservation status for certain habitat types and species, which will set standards and create experience in the management of Natura 2000 sites in Cyprus.

The present Life – Nature project area includes the sites:

  • «Kavo Gkreko – CY3000005»,
  • «Koilada Diarizou – CY4000003»,
  • «Vouni Panagias – CY4000004»,
  • «Troodos National Forest Park – CY5000004»
  • «Alykes Larnakas – CY6000002».

The five sites are pSCI, three of which are also SPAs (Vouni Panagias, Troodos National Forest Park, Alykes Larnakas)

Main threats for the five aforementioned sites derive from past and present human activities, including recreation at sea and on the land, fisheries, wildfires, water management, exotic species plantations, and expansion of cultivations.