ELARD - Earthlink and advanced resources development

ELARD – Earthlink and advanced resources development

Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies as part of Lebanon’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC

The project involved a Comparison of global climate models using PRECIS to simulate the future climate conditions in Lebanon.

The results of the model were used to estimate the sensitivity to climate change in Lebanon and finally strategies were developed to reduce emissions from key areas of Lebanon and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the country.

Desk studies and field assessments were contacted as necessary, to complete the Vulnerability and Adaptation and Mitigation chapters of Lebanon’s Second National Communication. The consultants assessed the impacts of climate change on key vulnerable areas (including climate variations, extreme climate events and others), determined the adaptation and mitigation measures to reduce the impacts of climate change and emissions of GHGs, identified constrains, gaps and related financial, technical and capacity needs, and other information considered relevant to the achievement of the objectives of the convention (UNFCCC), and provided scientific knowledge for the Ministry of Environment of Lebanon and other relevant governmental bodies to formulate draft climate change related policies.