LIFE+ (2010): Strengthening the scientific basis of Water Quality Programmes (WATER) – 2010-2013
The overall goal of the project is to strengthen the scientific foundation of water management programmes, including criteria development for pollutants of high potential impact on environmental quality and biodiversity. As such the project will establish and demonstrate an innovative set of methods and tools for the design and implementation of programmes for the preservation of high environmental quality and good ecological status of water bodies. In particular the proposed tools will increase the scientific basis for constructing, communicating and evaluating water management plans and measures. Further the project will help to establish Policy, Scientific and Technical integration between programmes for the development of water quality standards and criteria and regulations relevant to pollution prevention such as the issuance of emission permits and implementation of EIAs.
In summary, key elements of the project are the following:
- Introduces carrying capacity considerations in water quality management planning. Carrying capacity assessments will be driven by a set of water quality criteria that will aim to ensure good ecological status and high environmental quality and to maintain the water body functions.
- Facilitates water management decisions through scientifically verified maximum allowed pollutant load.
- Facilitates the allocation of allowable pollutant loads through a well verified and transparent scientific process.
- The project will build a dynamic water quality management system that will facilitate the continuous monitoring and updating of water quality plans and measures.
- Specific target of the project is the preparation of a quality management plan for the Larnaca Salt Lake.