Integrated Solid Waste Management Facility – Limassol
Facility for the solid waste management (OEDA) of Limassol region and its transit station of solid wastes in Kantou.
For the construction and operation of the Integrated Solid Waste Management (OEDA) of Limassol, ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus Ltd is undertaking the Environmental Impact Assessment Study and the environmental monitoring for the construction and operation of the project, as well as the issue of the Industrial emissions permit (IED) and waste management license of the facility. All the above studies and services being implemented for the main unit of Integrated solid waste management facility as well as for the solid waste transit station in Kantou, both at Limassol region.
The project will manage the mixed municipal solid waste of Limassol region, which would enter into the unit and through a mechanical separation unit which will distinguish the dry fraction (paper, plastic, metal) from the liquid (organic). Further than that, the dry fraction would proceed in material recovery section, where will be a separation of recyclables into individual streams through optical separators, which later could be reused. The organic fraction, and the remnants of mechanical separation, would proceed further for process in Aerobic and Anaerobic Biological Treatment. During the anaerobic process, biogas will be produced and will be burned at a co-production facility for electricity and heat, producing 1,2MW of electricity and hot water. SRF-RDF mixture can be used for generation of electricity and / or steam.