CYPRA Bioenergy

CYPRA Bioenergy

CYPRA BIOENERGY LTD has one of the most modern waste management facilities. At this stage, the project is expected to manage wastes of categories 1, 2 and 3, while there are plans for installation of plant and biogas combustion units for electricity productions.

ATLANTIS Consulting Cyprus Ltd has implemented both the Environmental Impact Assessment for the entire plant (Biological aerobic and anaerobic treatment and waste management facility station), as well as the Industrial Emissions Permit, the Main Report mapping the existing state of the environment prior to installation of the project, the waste collection and transport permit and the risk analysis (risk Assessment) for the prediction of risks expected to arise in the event of malfunction, failure or accident.

Animal waste that are expected to be initially managed by the unit (1, 2 and 3) will previously undergo through a suitable pre-treatment, on the basis of the European Directive “IPPC Reference Document on the Best Available Techniques in the Slaughterhouse and Animal By-products Industries”. Animal waste will come from slaughterhouses, piggeries, cattle farms and poultry from all over Cyprus. From the annual operation, the project is expected to handle 7,500 cubic meters of animal waste and 9,000 tons of organic waste (food and green) from all over Cyprus.