Joint programme for GES assessment on D11 – Νoise in the Mediterranean Marine Region (QUIETMED 2)
QUIETMED2 is funded by DG Environment of the European Commission within the call “DG ENV/MSFD Second Cycle/2018”, which funds the next phase of MSFD (to implement the new GES Decision and Programmes of Measures according Article 13 of the MSFD).
The consortium of the QUIETMED2 project is made up of 11 entities from 9 different Member States (Spain, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Croatia, Slovenia and Denmark) EU Member States that share marine regions and sub-regions in the Mediterranean Sea basin.
QUIETMED2 aims to enhance cooperation among Member States (MS) in the Mediterranean Sea Region (MED) to implement the Second Cycle of the Marine Directive and in particular to assist them in the preparation of their MSFD reports through the following specific objectives:
- Develop and implement a candidate impact indicator in the Mediterranean Region for D11C1 Criteria.
- Make a joint proposal of a methodology to establish threshold values, list of elements and integration rules to implement the GES decision in reference to D11C1 in the Mediterranean Region.
- Build an efficient data and information tool to support the implementation of the D11C1 Criteria and the update of the monitoring programmes of Impulsive Noise according the new GES Decision.
- Perform an operational pilot of an impulsive noise impact monitoring programme implemented with the updated Joint register to demonstrate its feasibility.
- Promote Mediterranean Region Coordination by i) boosting current regional cooperation efforts of Barcelona Convention and others and ii) developing new cooperation measures.
- Enhance collaboration among a wide network of stakeholders through the dissemination of the project results, knowledge share and networking.